Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lifestyle Changes

 So, as you know, I've been working on improving my health. Well, the health of everyone here! You know how I mentioned buying the new EA Sports Active for the Wii? Talk about wow! Love it! It begins with a 30 Day Challenge, which I've been doing.  Now, some of you think that Wii exercise is for lazy people, who don't want to go running or spend hours in the gym, but it's far from that. I made Gary workout with it yesterday, and he was moaning and groaning 10 minutes into it. He completed the workout, though, and is terribly sore today. My rib area is does that work?

Anyway, there's running, jumping, upper and lower body exercises, sports, and loads of cardio. First of all, you enter your height and weight information, then you choose your exercise level; easy, medium, hard, etc. For the 30-day challenge, they'll pick out exercises for you, targeting on specific body parts. You start off with a walk, then run, and in between sessions of upper or lower body exercises, they'll have cardio exercises to balance that out and keep your heart rate up. You set goals and receive trophies when you've reached those goals. You also get a medal depending on your exercise for the day. Since I've been doing an hour of exercise, I reach gold. They'll also set rest days for you, which today is my rest day (twice a week is a rest day). If you choose to exercise on your rest day, then that's fine too. Anyway, I'm a week into it and have dropped 4 lbs. Pretty good, right?

Also, not only have I been working out like that, I've been tracking my calories on . They pretty much have every food, so you type in what you ate, and they'll calculate not only calories, but other nutritional information. Much easier than writing it all down and adding it up on paper. You can also enter your weight and height, and set a goal of how many pounds per week you want to lose. From there, they'll tell you how many calories you should be taking daily based on that information. It also tracks protein, sugars, fat, carbs, sodium, etc. So it's helpful. And free, of course. Because of this, I've been eating much lighter (was surprised when I realized how many calories I was consuming before), and more meals per day. I eat every few hours, but small amounts, of course. Dinner is the last, and I stop after that. And, I feel great! Been suffering a bit of insomnia, but I think that's because my new routine might have done something with my thyroid level. Tomorrow's my appointment...lady appointment and thyroid appointment.

Well, that's that. In other weight loss news, the cats have lost weight too! Lila, who was almost 16 lbs, is now 13.8 lbs. And Dexter, who was reaching 14 lbs, is now 13 exact. I don't open feed them like I used to. Cats usually don't overeat, but considering they're indoor cats, it's best I ration anyway.

Okay, that's the update!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow, 4 pounds in one week is AMAZING! Congrats! If we had a wii I'd totally have to try it out! It sounds much more fun than just going on the treadmill or bicycle like I've been doing this week...

And I'm totally going to try out that "daily plate" thing, especially if it's free. :) Sounds a lot easier than looking at a banana and trying to figure out how many calories is in it, haha. Thanks for sharing about that, b/c I've never heard of it before.

Keep on at, I hope you're able to reach all your goals! Thanks for inspiring me to want to make some lifestyle changes, too. :)

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...