Monday, November 16, 2009

Flu Season

 I feel like I've been hit by a bus. For the past couple of weeks, I've been feeling blah, but boy did it hit me later! Yesterday was miserable, and I know today will be the same.

 We went to church yesterday anyway, because I hate missing. During Sacrament I was sniffling and sneezing and coughing, so we left after...I really didn't want to infect anyone. Will this thing ever go away??

 The weekend went pretty well besides that. Gary and I went out Friday night, and Saturday, my parents came over and enjoyed a meal Gary grilled up. So that was fun!

 It's been so cold, but I love it! Gary and I decided to buy a heater fan to put in the bedroom. It has a timer, clock, and everything. It's super cute. The regular fan we had in there is getting old, and although dust needs to be cleaned out a little deeper, it was still having some issues with noise. Besides, now that's it's freezing, we don't want that running at night anymore. I need a fan sound to help me sleep, and Gary hates waking up at 5am to frozen air, so that's what made us decide to buy a heater fan.  Sure, we could always run the heat in the apartment, but we choose not to. This little thing will do the trick. Poor Dexter can't go outside anymore, because, well, it's too darn cold to have that door open. In fact, he's brushed up against it a few times already, but all I can do is tell him sorry, haha. That's okay, he's finishing off the last of the flies in here :)

At our Canyon Country apartment, even in the colder weather, it always stayed in the mid to low 70's inside; mainly because everyone else was running their heater. Here, however, since we don't share any walls, it gets a bit colder, like mid to high 60's. Even low 60's at some point. So, yeah. Good ol' heater.

 Something interesting I read. Well, saw. Gary and I like watching the show "Surviving Disaster". It's hosted by a retired Navy Seal, and he tells you how to survive disasters like earthquakes, virus outbreaks, home invasions, mall shootings, and even nuclear attacks. It's pretty awesome. Anyway, he made a comment during the "virus outbreak" episode, and mentioned people who have chronic illnesses; saying we're more likely to catch a virus, and when we do, it effects us more than the usual person; and it takes us longer to heal. After the episode I decided to look that up. This is because my immune system malfunctions; and it seems nowadays I seem to catch pretty much everything. It made complete sense.
Did you also know allergies is an immune system thing, too? I'm sure you do. When you intake a particular food, or even pine or pet dander (or whatever you're allergic to), it's your immune system responding to it. It sees those things as a threat, and out of defense, your body begins fighting to keep it out. Like when you have a cold, your sinuses swell up. This is a defense mechanism your body uses to keep the virus out of the rest of the body. Therefore, when you inhale or eat something you're allergic to, your sinuses swell, inflammation occurs, etc; your immune system is trying to block it. In my case, I don't have allergies, but my immune systems sees parts of my own tissue, my own body, as a threat. Therefore, autoimmune. And since I have a malfunctioning immune system, I'm more likely to get sick and catch viruses. I spoke to a doctor about this, who recommended some natural immune boosters, so I'll have to try those out. I take multivitamins everyday, too.

Anyway, my hearing has temporarily gone out due to the congested head, and I feel like total crap, so I'm going to snuggle up in a warm blanket and take care of myself today. I have an appointment on Wednesday to have hormone tests run; let's just hope I'm not sick then. Bye!


Carla said...

Your people are clamoring for an update lover-girl.

Megan said...

Ah, for some reason I'm just now able to read this! Weird! Anyway, I'm so sorry you guys have been so sick lately. I caught a little something this week too, but luckily I've been downing medicine and immune boosters too and it seems to be turning around pretty quickly.

Josh and I totally watched that same "surviving disaster" show! It's really interesting! (and kind of, what if that really did happen to me!) I hope to see you tomorrow!

P.S. tell Gary thanks again for taking the time to walk over here and look at Josh's computer. We really appreciate it!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...