Monday, November 9, 2009

The City and Holidays



  Just going around town Saturday with Gary has me all excited for the holidays. So much to do here! There's a few events we have our eyes on doing throughout the season. It's so beautiful here as well.

Saturday, we went to the Town Center Mall, and it was really nice. Busy, but nice, with all the holiday decorations and events. We did a bit of shopping and strolling as well. It's always so wonderful spending time with my husband. There's such a peace to it. I can't believe we'll be 3 years married next month! Exciting!!

 The weather has been pretty amazing, too. Windy and cool. It's been a little warmer than it should be in November, but I suppose the low 70's isn't too bad.

 Anyway, Gary and I were watching some HGTV earlier, and it made me think about our place and city, which got me writing a blog about the holidays and going around town. We really love it here. So does Dexter: he seriously spends most of his days in that chair, either napping or hanging out. Our new outdoor kitty.

  Anyway, a couple of nights ago, I was on Newhall Ranch (just a beautiful road) in one of the shopping centers, and the sun was setting. I thought it was really pretty so I took some pictures:

Pretty, huh?

Random, but while at the mall and doing some shopping, we stopped at a cute little store called Utopia Home and Garden, and purchased a nice chess set. It's adorable. And, considering I had forgotten how to play chess, Gary was kind to teach me how when we got home. He kicked my butt, but at least I learned how to play again!

So, it was a good weekend. We played it safe on Sunday because we're STILL having the sniffles from this cold (will it ever end??), but we'll hopefully be back in the swing of things next week. I was super nauseous Saturday night, so I had to walk around for a bit to let it calm down (like around 2am), then went back to sleep. Hopefully Gary and I will fully recover this week.

Oh, and I'm down 6 lbs now! Woot!

Probably this week, as well, I'll get my blood work results from the doctor. She not only tested my thyroid for its routine, but since I mentioned a few more body aches, she ran other tests to check for things like arthritis or lupus, etc. Gotta be sure, ya know? So, hopefully I'll hear back, and definitely keep y'all updated. The nurse left a nice fat bruise from the needle, too. Normally it's just a little pinch, but when she went in, it hurt just a little more, so I knew there'd be bruising after. Looks pretty sweet, too.

Anyway, I suppose that's all for now. Later! 


carrin said...

So pretty! Love your blog too. Keep me posted about your tests.

GordonandChrissy said...

Great pictures! Did you take all of those pictures by the mall? They look professional, I didn't even know it was our mall until I enlarged them, they look great!

I love the holidays too. I had no idea it was all decked out already, we'll have to make a trip down there.

Megan said...

You know, I've never played chess before. You'll have to teach me with your new set! ;) And it really has been beautiful outside. I don't know if I'm ready for the Christmas decoratoins quite yet since it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but once Thanksgiving weekend is over I will be ALL over it! I'm so excited to decorate!!! :) I should try to find some fun holiday stuff to do around town too. It gets kind of lame sitting around the house all weekend when I'm sure there are other things to do!

Glad you guys are feeling better... and hope your tests are A-OK!

The Pollocks said...

Thanks guys!

Chrissy- no, I wish! Those pictures are from the Santa Clarita's not THAT decked out yet. There are Christmas decorations up, and the whole Santa display is up in the mall, but I'm not sure about the lights yet. I remember it was beautiful last year like that though!

Megan- I won't be putting up decorations just yet, I was thinking maybe the 1st week in December, or maybe the last week of November, after Thanksgiving of course. And thanks! Hope my tests are fine, too!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...