Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rats, Money, Work, etc...

 Ah, another beautiful day of Spring! And why does the cat meow every time I cough? Silly boy.

 So, a few updates and stuff before church.

Work is going well as usual. Sold 8 pets just in the past couple of days. We also have goals to sell live plants; and because of my hours, I'm expected to sell a little less than the rest of the employees. However, for the past 2 weeks (it clears and starts over every Sunday), I've outsold everyone. I've at least doubled my expected sales. I've already been praised by coworkers and management. Go me!

As you all have expected, working almost daily with animals has definitely been a challenge; and no, not because it's hard work or anything, but because extra income + seeing cute little baby animals everyday = bringing home animals. The other day, our store got in some new dumbo rats. I personally believe they are the most adorable looking of all other rats, and Quinn says they are the sweetest as well. I couldn't help but stop at their cage every now and then and giggle at their cuteness. Eventually I gave in and bought 2 of them. I know, I know. I also purchased 2 large rat cages. One for Chloe, and one for the 2 new dumbo rats. I had been wanting to buy a new cage for Chloe for awhile now, so she wasn't stuck in that stuffy aquarium tank. With her new cage, it's wired, so she has room to breathe, and it's rather spacey. She loves it. So do the other 2 rats, with their new cage. They love climbing up it and running around.

Here are my new additions to the family:

Jaheira (black), and Mazzy (white):

OMG I just want to squeeze them they're so cute! Look at those ears!

So those are my new babies! Every now and then, I'll see Gary holding and playing with one of them. He clearly loves them, too! They are very social, and super duper sweet.

In other know how there are times you make a big purchase, then something happens to your car, or something of the sort? Gary bought a new computer. It's a custom built computer with a 6 core processor, and other big stuff I don't know about. It will last us 5 years, and every computer game out there can easily be played with max settings. I personally am perfectly fine with the computer we have, but Gary seemed very excited, so I let him do it. He got a big discount because a coworker of his is willing to put it together for him. So now we'll have 2 computers in the living room. A bit too overwhelming for me, but that's okay. If it makes the husband happy, then it's fine. It will be fun playing computer games together when we have the time, though. I'll have to find a new way to arrange the living room. Can our place look nerdier?

So, right after he made that giant purchase, my car decided to give out on me. I called Gary with the news, and he came and picked it up from my work, drove it over to our mechanic, and had him take a look at it. Apparently the thermometer went out, creating a crack in our radiator. So, we had to get those replaced. $450 later, the car is taken care of. Gary and I sat down and talked about savings. We NEED to start putting more money into savings. We're trying to make a goal to have 6 months of income saved up, and we're far from it. So no more big purchases. Even if all my checks have to go to savings, sobeit. We're paying off our debt, first though. My credit cards are almost done (maybe a few hundred left), then savings.

Okay, I believe that's it for now. Oh, and doctor says she believes I do have PCOS. Progesterone made me mentally ill, but Metformin shouldn't have side effects that severe. I was pleased to receive a new cycle a few days ago after a 7 month absence. Silly body. Hopefully the Metformin will help. It was hard to diagnose because everything came up clean and normal. The only loop was the LH being slightly higher than the FSH. Both in normal range, but small indication of mild PCOS. Metformin, from what I've read, makes people drop weight rather quickly. So we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, time to finish getting ready for church today. I open all next week, my shifts starting at 6am. I close Thursday night, though (then open Friday). I was glad to see this, though. Early, but done early. Plus, Gary and I have a date planned for Friday. I'm off at 10am Friday, and we plan to watch Iron Man 2 in an IMAX theater. I believe there's one in Woodland Hills and probably Burbank as well. So yay!

Big steaks to be grilled after church, too. Yum! Okay, bye!


carrin said...

Sorry about the car, seems that is the way it always happens, glad you were able to get it fixed! Dadloves your new grill and he wants to see that new Iron Man movie, the first Iron man was a movie that he actually loved, you know dad he hates most movies, lol Let us know how it is. Hope all works out with the new medicine, keep me posted. I love you!

Megan said...

I absolutely hate money for that very reason! It's always SOMETHING! I've been so discouraged the past few months because it seems like there's always some unplanned expense that pops up... ugh! Definitely is frustrating when we're supposed to be putting all of the money I earn into savings and over a year later we don't even have half of my salary in savings, lol. But the Lord provides and we get through it somehow!

Glad you're still liking work -- your rats are definitely cute! Looks a lot like the one we had trapsing around our apartment this week... only that one was making a lot of noise and leaving dropping in inappropriate places, so it was unwelcome. Apparently Josh was able to catch and take care of him last night though...

Have fun at Iron Man 2! It looks really good! There is for sure an IMAX screen in Burbank at the big theatre if you end up coming down here!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...