Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Birthday Presents and Other Things

 Hello, Friends.

 So, yesterday's weather was pretty stinkin' awesome. I loved the wind! I ended up closing the back door because stuff started blowing in. Anywho, on to my day yesterday.

Yesterday early early morning, I remembered hearing alarms going off. I fell back to sleep. I woke up a little later, and realized Gary was still in bed. Confused, I glanced over at the clock and realized he should be up by now. I nudged him and told him he needs to get up. He mumbled he had already gotten up when the alarms went off, started getting ready, then realized how sick he felt, e-mailed his boss, and went back to bed. Poor guy. Gary never calls in sick, so when it does happen, well, he's sick. So, I went back to sleep. A little while later, around 9:30, I got out of bed. Felt good to sleep in, though. Gary woke up shortly after I did, and took a shower. I came out to the living room, opened the back door, and realized how windy it was, even the night before. We still had a table cloth/sheet over the table from our pumpkin carving the night before. I had already cleaned up the seeds and "guts" from the pumpkins the night before, so no mess there. But there were pieces that were still on the table cloth, as well as the carving equipment .There was a quite a mess from the wind. So, of course, I cleaned up and swept the patio best I could (quickly, before the wind fired back at me). I spent a little more of the morning cleaning the rest of the apartment.

 I then baked up the pumpkin seeds, after Gary's request.

Yum! I added a little sweetness to them as well. Cinnamon and sugar.

 They smelled sooo good in here! Mixed with the cinnamon pine cones, cranberry and pumpkin candles, I was in heaven :) Anyway, we snacked on those and my birthday present from Treisha Peterson (my VT) while watching Heroes:

Halloween orange chocolate popcorn, with chunks of chocolate inside. YUM!!

 Okay, so we didn't eat the healthiest of foods yesterday, but who cares? It was a great Autumn day, and hubby was sick, too.

So, since we got a new computer from the in-laws, Gary decided to transfer old files over and install needed programs onto this new one. While doing so, I cleaned up the apartment some more (just started some laundry and cleaned out Chloe and the cat litter box), and then decided I wanted to hang up my wind chimes outside. Perfect time for it, right? Anyway, while in search of the right tools, I had to bug Gary for help as to where these tools were, until he got up and did it on his own. So sweet: :) Lol. So now we have the beautiful sound of wind chimes outside. I would at times open the patio door, but the wind was so strong I ended up opening the window (with a screen, thank goodness), so I could still hear the sounds of outside, as well as the weather, without the dirt and leaves flying in, haha.

Anyway, after some lounging around, I decided it was time to use my birthday money and do some shopping! I invited Gary, who declined, reminding me he was sick that day. So, I first headed to Barnes and Noble, where I did some book browsing. Didn't buy anything, surprisingly, and moved on. Since I had to get a few things at Sam's Club anyway, I went there. I bought the few needed groceries, and while heading to the register, stopped by the electronics section. I hadn't originally planned on buying anything relating to electronics, but wanted to take a look. Well, I bought something anyway. I bought the EA Sports Active for Wii, personal trainer edition.

 I thought, why not? It came with the above equipment, and it was my money, so I wanted to try it out. So on the drive home, I decided I wanted to do something nice for the sick husband. Since his favorite food of all time is pizza, I stopped by Pavilions and bought some BBQ chicken pizza, as well as cheese sticks with dipping sauce. I brought that home, and made husband a happy husband. We watched half of some goofball comedy movie, and then I made some homemade body scrub. It's amazing! I'll share the ingredients: it's easy, and left my skin super soft and radiant looking.

Cinnamon Sugar Body Scrub:
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup olive oil

Mix those together, and there you go! The olive oil makes the skin super soft, and the sugar gets rid of dead/dry skin, and the cinnamon leaves your skin with a glow (and smelling good!). It's perfect for winter dry-skin season. My skin is still soft! You can put it in a jar, or as I did, in a Tupperware container. It'll last a while, too. Saves you a good amount of money!

Anyway, it was a great day yesterday, and we both crashed for the night shortly after. Gary went to work this morning, and I tried out my new game. It was fun! I chose my personal trainer, whom I workout with in the game. The game also keeps a workout journal, challenges, calories burned, and progress. I also got to choose my workout level (easy-hard), and they pick workouts for you, based on your level. There are over 20 different workouts, and you can unlock and download more after some time. You start off with a run, then do a variety of workouts, then cool off with a run. It was a great workout, and I'll probably feel it later. What I like more, is you can't just stop in the middle. THEY give you an amount of time to workout, and you have to stick with it. So, no quitting early! It's no less than 20 minutes, too. But yes...good game.

Anyway, time to tidy up the place, take my shower, and enjoy another day of Fall. Bye! Leaving with some pictures.

PS- Loving Windows 7

Not sexy AT ALL. But gooey pumpkin guts, eew.

Look at that concentration. Perfection, huh?


And, the finished products. I almost gave up on mine. I picked such a detailed pattern, and ended up butchering some pieces just to get them to glow. There was supposed to be more to it, including a tree next to it, but blah. It looks well enough (the ghost). Gary's is pure awesome, though.


carrin said...

Cool pumpkins! We are off to our Halloween party tonight, dad is entering the chili contest, I can't eat his though, it's too spicy. Love you

Megan said...

Haha, that picture of Gary pulling out the pumpkin guts is hilarious! I hope that he's feeling better now...

And I definitely want to try that cinnamon scrub. Do you put it on for a certain amount of time before washing it off? And is it mostly for hands?

That's games sounds so cool. Something I need! It's definitely time for me to loose the lbs I've put on since getting married! Unfortunately we don't have a wii though... :(

anyway, hope to see you guys at the trunk-or-treat tomorrow!!! :)

The Pollocks said...

It's for the body and hands, and I just wash off when I'm done, no waiting.

We'll definintely be there for the party. Well, we have to be, since we're on the committee and setting it up :)

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...