Monday, September 28, 2009

Our Weekend

(Bridgeport Lake)

 First of all, I want to say how glad I am these heatwaves are finally gone. I don't remember these heatwaves last year; we got cold pretty early. I'm very pleased the weather is finally cool again, and will stay this way! Now I can believe October is nearby. We're supposed to be getting lots of rain next week too, so yay again! Let the showers begin.

The weekend went pretty well. As you know, Gary and I drove to Bakersfield Friday night for Britney's reception. It was good to see her, and she looked very beautiful. I was a little tired that night, so I didn't go around and socialize with people like I could have. We didn't want to stay too long anyway, because we had to drive to Taft that night. But I did say hi to a few people, then we went on our way. We had a wonderful time in Taft visiting Gary's parents. We watched a small handful of movies, and I really enjoyed my time over there. Sometimes it feels more like home there instead of here in our apartment and busy city, you know? So, we came home Saturday night, and spent the rest of the night together.

Sunday was great as well. Since next week is General Conference, we had our Fast Sunday yesterday, and my lovely husband went up and bore his testimony. I had many, many compliments afterward revolving around it. He did such a fantastic job, and I love hearing him bear his testimony. Although I did feel tired during church, I was glad we stuck it out. Sunday School, we had a lesson about our Pioneers, and how the Lord blesses us and "rescues" us from trials. It was excellent. Then, in Relief Society, we had a great lesson about Heavenly Father comforting us through our trials. It was very spiritual like Sunday School. After church, I practiced with the choir, then Gary and I met together with other members of the Activities Committee, and we discussed plans for our Halloween Party. It will be fun!

I also saw Josh and Megan's article in the V2 newsletter (Valencia 2nd ward, or V2). Soo cute! There was also a short little article about Gary and I, but the newsletter a few weeks from now will have a full section for us. A few weeks, because that's when we'll be back to our regular schedule in the ward. We have General Conference this Sunday, then Stake Conference the week after. I'll show it to you when it's printed :)

Anyway, as you can tell, I've been tired. My medicine is almost ready for a refill, but I'm going to interrupt with a visit to the doctor so she can recheck my levels and see if they've changed, causing my fatigue. Otherwise, I feel fine. I only have a few things to do today. The apartment had its "weekend mess", which I spent cleaning up this morning, and I'm currently doing laundry. But I just need to turn in the rent check, exercise, and make sure I talk to maintenance while turning in the check. Our smoke alarms were freaking out due to the battery being low again, and I think they've been changed like 2-3 times now. So Gary and I had to disconnect both of them so we could sleep. It's time I mention it to maintenance to fix it.

Well, time to continue on the laundry and have some sort of breakfast. I'm also going to walk to the lake again since the weather is good. Bye!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I need to have the newsletter lady send me a copy of yesterday's newsletter, so I can show my future posterity! haha. Can't wait to read yours!

I'm bummed we missed being there and being able to hear Gary's testimony! He'll just have to get up again next month! ;)

Hope you start having a little more energy soon! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...