Sunday, January 23, 2011

Peaceful Sundays

 I always love Sundays. My work has been kind enough to always give me Sundays off. I think I've worked maybe 3 Sundays since starting my job which was almost a year ago (I've been there that long?).

 Sacrament meeting was nice as well as Sunday school and Relief Society. I always love coming home with the spirit. Makes the day less stressful and it's always a great way to start the week.

 Gary and I came home from church and I made lunch/dinner. It wasn't really anything special, just stuff thrown together (I seem to be good at that). It was some sort of Mexican burrito food mix with beef and cheese and all that jazz. Probably not exactly healthy, but that's a different topic. Gary then requested I make him cookies like I do every couple of weeks or so. I'm not a cookie fan, but he is. He eats some, then takes some to work throughout the week, even shares with his coworkers if I make enough. I told him in order for me to make cookies, I'd have to make them in a clean kitchen (since I had just made a mess cooking up dinner). Moments later, I saw this:

Hah, that boy cleaned up the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher, hand washed everything else, and disinfected the counter tops. So, I made him cookies. I swear he's a kid at heart.

 I then let my limpy cat outside for him to enjoy. It was breezy, cool, but beautiful.

 Yeah, he's still limping. He also runs, plays, jumps up and down on things, etc, but still limping nonetheless. Gary says my next day off I can take him to the vet if it's not getting better. Poor animal. I noticed his right leg does look a little thinner and more odd than the other, so we'll check it out.

After cookies and such, we finally settled down to watch more Battlestar Galactica. We finished the 3rd season and have 2 seasons left. It's quite good!

In other news, Gary and I (mostly him, but I still join in because it's really fun) have been playing this game called Minecraft. It's a java based game, but it's amazing and really fun. It's almost like WoW but not entirely. It's a sandbox building video game (sandbox meaning you can freely roam a virtual world) where you can build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world. You can pretty much build your own world. You chop trees to get wood, mine for coal and other things to build fires, construct workbenches to make your own weapons and armor, create your own rivers and streams, etc. It's like it's unlimited on what you can do. At night, monsters come out so you need to take cover. Gary's been building this sort of castle with a garden (since you can plant and harvest) with surrounding walls and everything. Right now the beta version is out. Oh, and you can play multi-player. Definitely worth checking out.

Okay, I suppose that's all for now. Bye!

1 comment:

Megan said...

LOL at least you know how to get Gary to do anything you need help with around the house! hahaha that's hilarious. And awesome that you got a clean kitchen out of it. :)

Hope that everything is alright with Dexter!!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...