Sunday, January 2, 2011

A COLD Winter!

 Okay, so I'm in southern California...obviously it's not as cold as many other states and countries. But this winter has been particularly colder than usual. The other day, I told Gary, "I wouldn't be surprised if we got snow this winter."

 Well, while sitting in Relief Society today, one of the sisters, during the last 5 minutes or so, announced there were snowflakes outside. We all whispered and exchanged how exciting it was, then anxiously awaited RS to be over so we could check it out. Sure enough, there was snow! It wasn't sticking at first, just kind of falling. I assumed it would be all we would get. However, hours later, while sitting on the couch with my hubby, I decided to peek out the window. That's when I noticed there actually WAS snow piling up on the cars and grass and such. So, wrapping on a jacket and warm clothes, I grabbed my camera and did the best I could to take night pictures of the snow.

 While I had the patio door open for just a minute or so, Dexter was out there trying to figure out what in the world was happening. He kept sticking his nose out, backing away, and examining the snowflake. Too cute. But too cold- so I threw him back inside and shut the door!

It's been a perfect evening with hot apple cider and snugglies!

The unfortunate side is my poor body. This cold has been really affecting my joints and thyroid condition. I tried opening a bag of chicken for dinner but found my hand joints in pain just from trying. I had to run my hands under hot water in hopes it would help. Eventually I used a knife, haha. I will get through this! Blasted cold.

If it does continue snowing through the night, I'm looking forward to getting daytime photos of the snow. Since I have the morning off, I plan to drive around the beautiful parts of town and take pictures. So we'll see! As for now, time for a hot bath and more hubby snuggles. Bye!


Megan said...

It never gets cold enough to snow where I grew up half an hour away, so this has definitely been a treat! It's definitely COLD though. i'm sorry your joints aren't enjoying it. I guess it's just one of those things where you crank up the heat inside and enjoy the view from there. :) Hope you're able to get some good pics tomorrow!

Carla said...

Well, did it snow through the night??

The Pollocks said...

Oh, sorry. Nope, sadly it disappeared. I heard it snowed later though, but I must've missed it.

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...