Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School, Work, Etc

 As you read in my previous post, I'm leaving Petsmart. School this semester is originally 15 units for the program.

 However, I am leaving my options open. I posted my resume around different sites, have had interviews, and fill out applications constantly to start work if necessary. However, if I don't have any luck, I'm prepared to take on school instead.

 I received my MT diploma in the mail yesterday- in a not very nice way, might I add. Lazy mailwoman bent it when there's bold, red and capitalized instructions NOT to bend it. Ah, well. I'll be filing a complaint, but luckily there's no damage and we were able to frame it. The certificate itself wasn't bent, just the folder it came in. It hangs next to Gary's degree and his outstanding graduating senior award certificate (and plaque), so it doesn't even compare in coolness, but I worked hard so that's all that matters.

Anyway, if I can find a job in the MT field, it would be marvelous. This way I can actually put my education and skills to use and pay off what I paid to get through school. Well, school is already paid off in full, but you know what I mean. Make it worth it. Also, the income could really help us add to our savings and prepare for a house. All of our debts (except his student loans) are paid off so it would really help the savings account.

I wasn't really going anywhere with Petsmart. I mean, what was I to do? Work 10-15 hours every week for the next 5 years while doing nothing else? I even spoke to my manager a few times about moving up to management (since most of my managers are younger than I with no other work experience), but she kept putting it off or making excuses not to meet with me. Heck, not even that. We scheduled times to meet but she wouldn't show up. So, I moved on. I probably wouldn't have been happy as management though anyway- not my style.

So yeah, that's my explanation for leaving and my plans to move on.

On a different note, I am smart. Yesterday, I was coming out of a store when I stepped on an angled-curb in the road and totally fell. I didn't hit the ground, but I tripped big enough to catch myself on my hands to keep from hitting the ground. I immediately bounced up like it was the most natural  thing, and as I glanced over at a car full of men, one of them said aloud, "I didn't see that!" I turned red and said back, "Nope, nobody saw that. I'm good!" I was also laughing at myself.

Of course, now my ankle has been hurting. Oh, my lovely clumsy self. Hopefully I can workout today without damaging myself further.

On a very different note, don't you hate when people flat out ask you your political views, especially on gay marriage? I do. I don't mind sharing my opinion, but at least let me be on friendly terms with you before we go into that...otherwise it's uncomfortable. Not to go too much into detail, but some people had come forward about me liking Quinn's "Yay, New York!" status update. In reality, I hadn't heard the news because I was away camping, so I thought he was actually going to New York- totally unrelated. He even shot me a text message to tease me about it. So, in fun, I left it up. No deep explanation there.

Anywho, time to get ready for the day. Bye!


Carla said...

I was wondering why you liked that status, haha. Good luck finding work in the transcription field!

carrin said...

Good job Emilee! I love the diploma, good luck in the job hunt. I love you

Megan said...

Wooo! Stupid mailwoman, but the diploma looks great! Congrats again -- and good luck finding a new job (hopefully in your field of expertise!). I hope you find joy in whatever you end up doing!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...