Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Health, Shoes, and Other Things

      I can't believe how fast summer is flying by. Just a couple more months and we'll be entering fall. I love summer, but I can't help but feel a tad excitement for the fall season. However, I still need to enjoy summer while it lasts!

      Anyway, I believe I'm starting to (what the heck is my cat doing??) to build that exercise tolerance I've been looking for. Pardon me, but my cat is acting very very hyper and strange right now. But back to the topic. I've been working out like a crazy lady, but man I feel good. I'm doing an hour of cardio in the morning followed by strength training either shortly after or afternoon, and ending with about 40 mins of  yoga before bed since it helps me sleep. I'm really beginning to feel a love for yoga. It's so relaxing and feels amazing. I could swear when I get in bed at night I can feel the blood flowing through my spine and neck. It brings a nice peace and nothing can disrupt it. I fall asleep quickly and sleep wonderfully through the night.

         I've been consistent with my exercise everyday and have been for quite awhile now. Normally I do it for a short period of time then give up. But for some reason, I just keep going and going, watching the fat and pounds melt off. Gary's noticed my energy levels have soared up and my confidence better than ever. I don't know what got me going, but I love it.

       I discovered on Hulu a set of exercise videos from Self Magazine. So, I tried them about a week ago and am addicted. I'm working out about 2 hours each day. Seems like a lot, but when it's broken down it's not all that bad. I am burning a lot of calories, though. There are videos that focus on strength training, cardio, toning, and even some dancing videos. I am having so much fun with them. One of them is an excellent yoga video and it's the one I follow each night.
My favorite workout. High intense cardio.
      I still don't forget about the outside world, though. Which brings me to my next topic: shoes. I discovered the bad idea of buying running shoes to wear besides for running. I bought some nice Saucony running shoes online and later discovered it wasn't a very smart plan. They were comfortable, don't get me wrong, but running shoes only last a certain amount of miles and eventually break down and become uncomfortable. I was wearing them to work and everywhere I went and eventually they did break down. So, I went looking for new shoes; and ones I could use for hiking when we camp. I decided to stop by Payless since they were having a 70% off sale. I normally don't find good shoes there for my specific feet, but I got lucky this time.

    Champion came out with a new line of fitness shoes. Okay, so apparently they came out with the line a year ago, but still, I had just discovered this. There is the Stride, which uses "Air Traverse Technology" to create a cushion of air at the heel and forefoot for added comfort and support. You know the toning shoes from Sketchers which cost a lot? These are similar and on sale for $20, plus with a $3 coupon I had, I saved a lot of money (they are originally $30). There are also Pace Rocker Bottom shoes for walking and have excellent support, and a comfortable sandal as well. I tried on both the Pace and Stride, and went with the Stride. The Pace had super support on my heels, but I felt they were too comfy and wouldn't give me the lift and bounce I needed while working out.

   With the Stride shoes, they are so lightweight and the bottoms of the shoes have cushioning to not only absorb the shock of walking, but they are purposely unstable so you're forced to tone up your legs and butt. They are SO comfortable though. Because of the shape of my feet, a lot of weight is placed on my heels and after a long day on my feet, this is what hurts the most. But with these shoes, the shock is so balanced out I don't feel any pressure anywhere while walking. It's like I'm not even wearing shoes. When I woke up this morning and saw the 63 degree weather, I took advantage and went for a beautiful walk/jog to test. I felt all bouncy and had absolutely zero pain in my feet. And yes, I did manage to jog for a while (even along a busy road for all to see). I felt fantastic. My walk/jog was an hour long and I was surprised at how great I felt. Of course it was kind of funny when I took off my shoes and was able to walk on the ground because I had stability again, but still. I am happy with my choice of shoes. No Plantar Fasciitis pain either!

     Anyway, that was that! Sorry for the long post about my health and exercise. I just feel so good I had to share. I'm almost 50 lbs down from the start!

     Not much else to update. It's been in the lower 80's so far with summer (some 90's), but it's been good. Today it's a bit cooler and will only get up to the high 70's. It even smells like rain. We're having a "cool wave" or something- but no complaints here! And just because I said that, we'll probably get a heat wave and hotter weather for once this summer soon (*knock on wood*).

     I hope everyone has a great week!


Carla said...

I'm super impressed and proud of you. It's hard to stay on track with healthy eating and exercising! I need to follow your example.

PS- Don't jinx it and make us lose this cold front.

carrin said...

Congraulations! Keep up the good work, those shoes look nice maybe I should try some, you got them at Payless?

Megan said...

Congrats to you for being 50 lbs down and for finding ways to exercise that make you feel so good! You're definitely an inspiration to me! I need to start making time to exercise because you really do feel so good after. I also need to try yoga -- are those online videos you watch free? Keep up the good work!

P.S. Berlin was extra hyper yesterday morning too! I think it may be the change in weather?

The Pollocks said...

I think it's the weather, too!

Yes, you can get them online for free! Just go to Hulu.com and search for Self. There are 8 videos so far for the first season. The first 8 should be right there. The Slim and Sleek is super fun/high intensity and is my favorite as well as the yoga and bikini ready. I haven't tried the leg and butt workouts though. I did the ab workout and it was definitely tough (you need a stability ball for that one). You need dumbbells for most of them and a yoga mat/towel for some.

The only tiny downside of it being on Hulu is the commercials. However, they will not interrupt mid-workout. It will usually take place when swapping to a new routine (like 30 second commercials). It doesn't interrupt the yoga though, thank goodness. You might find them on other online sources, but you'd have to search. They are definitely fun!

And thanks everyone!

The Pollocks said...

And yes, the shoes are at Payless!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...