Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekend and Future Parties

 Gary and I had an interesting/fun weekend. If you see my last blog, it explains why I was so sick, but a medical update is included that may solve many issues.

Friday, we went out a few places and enjoyed the area. We love Valencia and Santa Clarita and how beautiful it is. We went out to eat at Telly's and I enjoyed a tuna salad while Gary feasted on a Philly cheesesteak sandwich. It has an old-fashioned diner feel. The shopping/diner area was in Canyon Country and it's on a hill which shows a beautiful view of the valley. We sat up there for awhile and chatted before heading out.

The picture doesn't do it justice, but it will do. It's from my cell. Once again, I have had no luck finding my camera charger. Bummer.

We then headed to Game Dude where Gary was able to get himself some video game stuff.

We spent most of Saturday indoor since I was pretty sick and unable to do much. Later that afternoon, we met with a group of friends at the park by our complex and enjoyed a tasty picnic. It was thrown by the Meraz's who are leaving us soon for Utah.

After a nice chat,we headed to the pool area and dipped our feet in the hot tub, chatting more. It was nice.

We had a lazy Sunday, and today will probably be lazy as well since we both have the day off. I might go outdoors a bit and enjoy the summer.

Speaking of, I wanted to mention something. Gary's birthday will be the beginning of July, and I was thinking about throwing him a birthday BBQ at our club house. I'm not sure how many people would be able to make it, so I would definitely get a count first. It would be a BBQ/pool party. We also have a theater in our complex for movies too, so we'd probably rent it out for the afternoon/evening. If you're interested, let me know!

Just let us know what you think!

Anyway, time to enjoy the rest of my day off. Bye!


carrin said...

I'm interested :)

Megan said...

It has definitely been a BEAUTIFUL weekend, glad you guys were able to enjoy it!!

We'd love to help you guys celebrate Gary's b-day, just let us know the day! Unfortunately Josh starts working weekends in July, but if it's in the evening (or a weekday) we should be able to make it. :)

Carla said...

Devonn and I would very most likely stop by, just depends on the kids and stuff... Oh yeah, we're probably having James's SEVENTH birthday party on his actual birthday, Saturday, July 16th. Maybe not at your parents this year though, I'll let you know more when we plan it.

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...