Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Money and Living Better

  So, the weekend and the week have been great so far. Just thought I'd update a few things.

  On Friday, when it was grocery shopping day, I decided to try a new place. Being me, I love trying new places just to see what I can get and how well I can do. Since we're being healthier, I went ahead and did my shopping at Whole Foods Market. Everything is organic there, and super healthy. And unlike Trader Joe's, this place is owned by a Conservative :) Lol. It doesn't matter anyway, I still like TJs as well.  They had a great selection of foods, and if you do it right, you don't have to spend too much. I'm a cheap shopper, so I'm always looking to see which products have more for a decent quality at least, too. I have a spending limit with groceries, but I always leave extra money to spare, like $40-60. Now it's time to see if these groceries will last us, and if leaving extra money for savings will work. Gary came home from work Friday with a beautiful bouquet of roses; which made me a happy girl indeed. Previously that day, however, I had placed a nice gift in his truck while he was at work. You know, romantic stuff like massage oils and all. But I won't go into that :) .

Speaking of money, this is a different topic now. When Gary and I were at my parents last week, before bed, we had the Suze Orman show on. You know, the money lady who gives financial advice and helps people make spending decisions? While listening to advice, we were inspired to make a budget list. We've done this before, but in the end, forget about it. This time, however, we were much more thorough. We wrote down every bill payment, tithing, groceries, spending for us, etc- completely rounding them up to "worst case scenario"- and were both completely surprised at how much money we have left over each month. Because of this, we can now add bigger chunks to our savings account, and he can contribute more money to his 401k. It will take a little extra work to keep up with it, but it's completely worth it. We also created a limit in which we can spend on each other and for ourselves, like date nights and such. This way we know how much we should be spending, and not just spending. In my ward a few weeks ago, the bishop challenged the ward to set enough money aside to get us by for 3 months if unemployment were to strike. This is our goal.

Then, of course, there's the emergency fund we have set aside; things like car repairs, hospital or doctor visits, etc. This leads me to Saturday.

On Saturday, Gary decided to take his truck to Pep Boys (since we had a discount from using them while in Bakersfield), to have his brakes looked at. While that was happening, we went to different places and did a little shopping for ourselves, even went out to lunch. Soon the guy called back, and informed us of the work which needed to be done. I'm not a mechanic nor a car person, so I can't explain everything; but in the end, we payed $400 to get things done on his brakes. That won't be all, however. His shocks are leaking, so we'll have to take care of that within the next month or so- and that will be about $350. So, that was a good chunk of our emergency fund. We began discussing his truck in general. He was curious to know the value of it, and if it's even worth these repairs. It's a '94 (or '93? I never get that right) Toyota Pickup. It has almost a couple hundred thousand miles on it. It's never had anything done except routine maintenance. We joke it will outlast our Saturn, which has been a very reliable car thus far. Because, well, it's a Toyota. We did discuss selling his truck parts and getting a new vehicle, but that probably won't be anytime soon. So, that was our exciting Saturday.

Sunday was pretty good as well. I felt a little lightheaded in the morning, but we both went to church. Nursery seemed to be a crying, screaming day for a couple of the kids (and I mean screaming), but besides that and the smell of poopy diapers, all was well. Megan made super delicious heart-shaped cookies with frosting for the little ones (and for us, the bigger ones), so yum! After church, Grannie came to visit around 4:30, and I cooked up an Italian dish for dinner. Chicken sun-dried tomato vegetable pasta, with a side of red potato soup; all organic might I add. It was delish. I had a great time catching up with Grannie, who left Monday morning after a nice long walk around the lake. I had driven to the lake this time, because I didn't want to make her walk too much, but we did lap around the entire thing, so it was probably too long anyway. Sorry, Grannie!

Last night, after our chicken quesadilla pizza, I started to feel a little off. Gary wasn't feeling well himself, and took a long nap on the sofa while I browsed jobs and a few other things online. We both headed for bed, and I suddenly had a terribly sore throat. I ended up getting up in the night to drink some Theraflu to help. That knocked me out, but this morning it feels even worse. My chest hurts, my throat is on fire, and my ears are hurting. Oh, lovely cold. I know I have a crap immune system, but I still wash my hands every chance I get, especially in Nursery. But, I shall fight it today and hopefully feel better for the weekend. And that's exactly what I'm going to go do.

Until then, later everyone!


Megan said...

Josh and I made a budget a while back but haven't been all that good at sticking to it...Go you guys for being so thorough! I hope you are able to get enough moola saved up for those times when you have an emergency. I think that's really wise counsel from the bishop.

Yeah, nursery was definitely an adventure on Sunday. Oy...I'm still having nightmares about the screaming... hahahaha It's a good thing they're so cute. Let me know if you're still feeling really sick on Friday or Saturday and I can let my home ward member know I won't be able to come after all, and I can be in nursery if you need to stay home!

P.S. Hope your grannie enjoyed the singles ward here!

Erin Marie said...

We use YNAB ( and I love it. Check it out.

carrin said...

oh I remember those screaming little ones, I discoverd something that worked for two of our little ones. After the hand off and mom leaves the screaming begins, I tell them I'll hope them if they stop screaming and proceed to set them down, they reach up and I pick them up and say shh no screaming or I'll put you down, this goes on a several times but they stop and I hold them. Did this for 3 weeks in a row, he would stop screaming and I did a lot of holding to my word, then suddenly one week he quit screaming all together and is now fine. Hope you feel better!!

The Pollocks said...

Thanks! We'll definitely check out that program.

And thanks for the screaming kids tip, lol.

carrin said...

I meant hold not hope, lol

carrin said...

check out the blue book value of the truck on Kelly Blue Book, it's fun to see, my car is worth less than the rebuilt engine I just put in it, oh well as long as it last me another 100,000 miles!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...