Sunday, October 27, 2013

Oh Yeah! The Big News!

Hey, everyone! All has been pretty well here in the Pollock home.

Megan reminded me of something last post- I totally forgot to update the big news!! I was so used to it being on my other blog and public other places that it seemed to have slipped my mind to mention it here.

So, as all you probably already know, Gary and I are expecting #1! We found out over the summer and we're definitely excited to be first time parents! So far it's been a little rough for me on the nausea and morning sickness aspect, but I'm still pretty happy about the little growing baby inside of me. I think the sickness is worse because of my job and commute everyday- usually the weekends are much easier because I get to sleep more hours and go around the town with Gary.

Anyway, there's that! We are due in May.

We're also going to be moving in January, which will be hard- but it's what's best for us and easiest on Gary. Where are we going? Yup, we're still not sure. We want to be closer to his job (which will be staying in LA, not moving closer like we thought it may have been), and not worry too much about being close to mine since I'll be leaving my job permanently before the little munchkin is born. We're also open to the idea of living walking distance from a subway station so he can do that.

I am also looking forward to the holiday season! Not only do I get 2 weeks off, it'll just be a nice time for us. First, we'll have Gary's work Christmas party in Santa Monica in a super beautiful hotel on the beach. Then a couple of days later, we'll hopefully find out the gender of the baby, depending on the participation. I'm also hoping by then the morning sickness will be gone so we can visit family without too many problems.

Yesterday, Gary took me out shopping in Sherman Oaks and also here in Valencia for my Christmas party attire. It's a dressy event, so he's going to be wearing a nice navy suit (or he might buy a tux if he changes his mind), and I'm going to be wearing a gorgeous navy gown. It's so beautiful! Gary actually found it while we were browsing and he was sure it was going to work on me. And it did! It will also work well with a bump.

We also went to DSW (Designer Shoe Warehouse) and bought some gorgeous heels to go with it. Another thing Gary picked out. He was just right on the dot yesterday! He was also being smart about the heels not being too high or too narrow because, "you're going to be more pregnant, your balance might be a little different, and your feet might be a little swollen". Good thinking! He did a good job because they look great on me and go well with the gown. Lastly, we hit up Brighton where he bought me a beautiful necklace and earrings to go with the outfit. I'm so spoiled ;) . I picked out the jewelry (we had the dress with us, so the sales associate was great with suggestions), but Gary was a big help too ;) .

Anyway, I'm excited!

Well, it's time to get ready for church and visit our new ward. We recently had a ward boundary change, so we're no longer in V2 (Valencia 2nd), we're in the Stevenson Ranch ward.

Bye folks!


Megan said...

I think it's so cute that gary went shopping with you and helped you pick out all your elegant clothes and accessories! it makes me wish I had some elegant affair to go to! so fun! can't wait to see pictures of you wearing it all in a couple months!!

Life at The Hadenfeldt's said...

I feel like your pulling a April fools on me. I remember when you were in the thick of trying and it wasn't happening, who would have thought when it finally happened it would be so non chialant ;)

So many exciting events! Congratulations on the all!

Carla said...

I can't wait to see pictures either!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...