Saturday, June 8, 2013

Quick Stuff

I wish I had something super exciting to post about, but I don't. But anyway, here are a few things:

Gary's job is going well. The commute and his 14 hour days are getting to him a bit, but he's hanging in there. He really does enjoy spending time at the gym after work with his trainers though. He turns off his phone and calls it "his time"- which I don't blame the guy. Let him unwind and get that workout in! He's looking absolutely great. We recently had to go clothes shopping for him because nothing fits anymore. As for me, you can read a few updates in my fitness blog.

We recently went to the best ramen place ever in Studio City called Jinya Ramen. Delicious! Studio City is likely going to be our next city to live in. It's a nice residential area and much closer to his work. It's a pretty area as well. Toluca Lake is another option.

Let's see, what else? We recently went to a fun wedding last Saturday and watched Jamie and her new husband Joshua tie the knot. Jamie is a long-time friend I've known for years. The wedding itself was nice, and the reception was a lot of fun. It was nice to have the whole gang from high school together again.

 We stopped by my parents house first to hang out before the reception, so this is us before we took off. As for reception pictures, they'll come later. Plus, I was so dumb and forgot to get a picture of the high school gang! Dang!

I definitely had a lot of fun hitting up the dance floor though! We all joked it was like going to the Mormon dances all over again- old, fun times!

Besides that, Gary and I are definitely enjoying the weekends where we actually get to spend time with one another! What a blessing it is to be with him. I especially love when we have no plans- just us and the weekend. Super nice!

Anyway, that was a quick, short update. When I can think of other things, I'll keep you posted! 

1 comment:

Megan said...

Studio City and Toluca Lake are both really nice! And in my parents' stake! I totally get the commute wearing on Gary, it'll definitely be nice for you guys to live closer to his office. It wore on me and I didn't work as long hours or have to even drive as far as he does. Best wishes to you guys!

You look beautiful in that picture from before the wedding reception, BTW!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...