Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Auction, Muscles, Sewing, Etc.

 I love how much my title makes sense.

Anyway, here are some updates.

First of all, Saturday night, Gary and I had a fantastic time at a dinner and auction to raise money for the young women in the ward to go to camp. It. was. FUN!

There were $5 taco plates for dinner, tons of items to buy, and tons of items to bid on. Not only that, it was a lip sync event as well, so in between auctions, we had performances by various people in the ward. Definitely cute and entertaining.

So, what did we get? We won a couple of bids in the auction. First of all, a table! It's solid oak- and it's handcrafted! One of the girls in the Relief Society worked with a professional craftsman and built it. It's beautiful. So, we bid on it and won.

 It also comes with a leaf to extend it to 6'. It's so cute and we love it! It's sitting right there because I just finished putting it together earlier (I'm going to feel that workout tomorrow). 

We also won this super nice spa gift set with high quality shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, and really nice bath towels. We were told it cost way more than the $50 we spent to win it- so definitely nice.

The downside of the event was the next day- apparently tons of people in the ward were sick. It could have been the meat was out too long, or someone introduced something. I had to leave church early. I called in sick on Monday, but ended up working anyway.

So there was that!

Next: As you read in the previous post, Gary has joined the gym next to his workplace (Gold's Gym), and has a personal trainer. His butt has been getting kicked. He's been loading up on the protein and is currently soaking in a bath to soothe his poor muscles. I'm so proud of him though! He goes everyday and results are already showing. It helps him unwind and come home refreshed after a day at work (he showers there).  I also received a 21 day pass, so I've hit up our local one a couple of times. It's only half a mile away, so I just walk there, workout, then come home. My goal now is to really strengthen and tone up. I still run of course, but not as much. It's time for weights over here!

I also mentioned I'm taking sewing classes. I figured since Gary got me that really nice machine, I outta put it to use. So, I signed up for classes and it's been great so far. I'm glad I'm finally learning this stuff because I avoided it like the plague. I never found an interest in crafty things- probably because it was too "housewifey" for me. But mainly it was because I grew up with friends who sewed and often gave off that "better than you" vibe because they could do it. You know, they'd be "better moms".  They were obsessed with the idea of popping out children every chance they got while being a housewife all day- and it really pushed me far away from anything housewife related, including sewing. ANYway, that's a different subject and blog post altogether. And yes, thoughts have changed. I'm still not obsessed with the idea, but then again many women aren't until they start having kids- then it changes. And I get it.

But anyway, I have an early day tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I was going to post about other things (you know, the etc. part of the title), but my brain is in "ready for bed" mode. Which pretty much means derp.

Have a goodnight!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Gorgeous table! I'm impressed that someone in RS made that! Awesome! Not so awesome that lots of people got sick though... ick.

Keep up all the good work over there. :) Looking forward to seeing you bright and early Saturday!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...