Friday, November 18, 2011

Snuggles and Tea

 Snuggles is something that has definitely been on the list of things to do around here. The mornings are absolutely gorgeous with crispy cold weather (which I understand is warmer than other places in the world) and bright orange and red foliage.

 Totally beautiful out there.

 Drinking delicious and herbal teas has been handy and nice as well (and a little hot cocoa on the side). It definitely helps bring in the colder weather spirit.

 So far all has been well in the Pollock household. Gary's still growing and excelling in his job, and I'm still...well, doing what I normally do. Wife stuff with a little work and school on the side. However, thanks to the new season, I've become sick. It started with waking up one morning with the worst sore throat. Regardless, I went out and ran at 5:20 that early morning in the icy weather. Probably not the smartest move. The next day, my chest started hurting a little too. My cough was more of a dry cough so I assumed it to be irritation (which I still believe) from something I possibly inhaled. This went on for a couple of days and today the cough seems to be a little worse, but not horrific. I'm still hoping it's an irritant issue and not a virus or bacteria issue. So far, no fever has come my way, so I'm ruling out anything serious.

Recently, I decided we were going to switch cat litter. I really like the litter we were using since it clumped so well, but the sandy texture got everywhere. No matter how often I vacuumed, the little bits and pieces got into every little crack. It, well, got annoying. So, I thought we'd try the bigger pellet litter. A couple of Saturdays ago, Gary and I were visiting the local flea market when I noticed a family was selling Petsmart products. Cat food, cat litter, small animal stuff, etc. They were selling the higher quality litters and food...for cheap. A 45 lb bag of the good cat litter was $4. So, I bought it. I'm thinking I'll start heading over there on Saturdays when our animal stuff is getting low. Although I doubt I'll find their food there since it's a special and specific brand, I could use other stuff there. But anyway, this cat litter I bought did take me for a bit of a surprise. It smells nice, does the job well, but unfortunately, it's dusty. Not good. So I'll be switching brands again (poor cats) next time around. When I would change their box nightly, I would inhale a bit of the dust; which I'm guessing is what started this whole thing with my throat and chest. I'm hoping so anyway. I'm not down with bronchitis or any other similar illness.

But besides this annoying thing on the side, everything is good. Gary and I have been playing Skyrim which is super duper fun. I play in the day when I have the time, and he plays in the evening. We're nerds; but we have fun.

Anyway, that's all for now. I have errands to run today, but first I need to exercise. Speaking of, new exercise blog updates are posted. Have a great day peeps!

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Growing Up

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