Wednesday, October 6, 2010


 I loooove October! It's one of my favorite months! Not only because the 25th is the best day ever, but the obvious changes in season (I just realized the 25th will be my "lucky" birthday since I'll be turning 25). Halloween decorations are already up! And I know, I change my layout a lot. What can I say? I have no life :)

Gary and I didn't watch the Saturday session until later, because we had plans Saturday. We got up early Saturday morning and went to yard sales. Bought a few nice things, but nothing too big. We also went to the Swap Meet at the Saugus Speedway and browsed a lot of items. We came home with a $30 disc doctor (which we bought for a buck), and an old Tetris game. Remember how I mentioned Gary bought that Retron? Yesterday his Sega Genesis came. He was able to find the Model 1. In fact, he ordered the Model II Genesis, but the guy accidentally sent him the original...which is way better! Gary contacted the guy, and he said, "Whoops, my bad. Eh, oh well. Just keep it." Lol. He also shipped us a collection of games which were kept in almost perfect condition. Gary was extremely impressed the way this guy kept his collectibles almost untouched. So now Gary's adding to his 200+ video game collection using older games and systems. Fun! We've played NBA Jam, Mortal Combat, Sonic, Taz, and a couple of others. I remember when we weren't allowed to play Mortal Combat because of the "blood". Lol! Wow things have sure changed.

So, our Saturday was nice. I was called in to work that evening, however, so I spent the rest of the evening at work. It's all good though.

Sunday morning, we woke up, crawled into our PJ's and blankets, and turned on Conference. Wow, it was amazing! So spiritually uplifting and marvelous, hearing all the words of the prophet and other church leaders. We very much enjoyed it. Definitely gives the week ahead a bit of a boost. During the break between conferences, I decided I wanted to start putting up Halloween decorations. Our front hallway closet is where my seasonal decorations are. So, I opened up the closet and shook my head. There was no way. It was so stuffed with junk and unorganized. I eventually pulled everything out, placed all the Halloween decorations aside, threw away boxes and other things, folded all the blankets and stacked all the games. I then reorganized that closet- took me about an hour. It looks wonderful, but I realized instantly why we're told to rest on the sabbath. I was stressed and a bit irritable from all of that. I even started getting snappy with Gary when I couldn't find the nails. I eventually went to the bedroom to vent to the kitties who just meowed and purred at me. Finally I sat on the bed and thought about conference and how I just completely distracted myself by cleaning, pushing away the spirit. So, I got down and prayed. Boy did that feel better! I came out and apologized to my poor husband, and he just smiled and told some nerdy joke to lighten the mood. We then together put up the decorations, then went our way to finish the other section of Conference. A perfect Sunday!

So, today was apparently supposed to be sunny, according to the weather channel. Yeah, right! It's been raining like mad. But I love it. We had a super awesome thunder and lightning storm the other night (Friday night, early Saturday morning). When we were driving around town Friday night, we saw the lightning flashing every few minutes. Pretty sweet. That night, I awoke around 3am to really loud booming sounds. I sat up quickly, not sure what the noise was at first. Dexter was hiding under the bed, Lila was on the floor staring up at me. I heard the rain in the background, and assumed it was thunder. I peeked out the window just in time to see a bolt of lightning, followed by another booming sound. So, I sighed of relief and went back to bed. It kept me up for about another hour, but finally I passed out and was able to go back to sleep. You should have come sooner, storm! At least I would have been able to stay up and watch it.

As for our apartment and management, we still haven't heard anything. I noticed yesterday, however, other neighbors had also taken down their wind chimes and hummingbird feeders. Management= jerks. Gary came home again from work on Friday, telling me about a house in Lancaster his boss showed him. 6 bedrooms, over 3000 square feet, huge lot and yard, etc. I asked Gary what in the world we would do with that much space, but he didn't seem to care. Lol.  I guess his boss really IS trying to get him to stay. Haha. Lancaster is very affordable. Gary says bigger the better. We'll see.

October: My birthday, baby Lexi is born, Jazzy's 16th birthday (she should be grounded for...8 years since she's not allowed to be that old), Halloween, Halloween parties, etc. Good stuff! We have a big party to attend near the end of the month. Excited!!

Anyway, I believe that's all for now. Bye!


Megan said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend! I just loved that thunder storm, even if it kept me up for a while! We don't get that very often... it's pretty fun. :) Makes me want to sing 'Favorite Things' and dance around the room like in Sound of Music! HAHAHA

YAY for October!

carrin said...

I vote for the house in Lancaster,not far from the coast, it's high dessert, good for Gary's allergies and a lot more for your money and most important, not too far from both families. I love the rain we had today!!!! I love fall too, don't care much for Halloween but love this time of year. I can't believe you'll be 25. You'll probably buy a house adopt a baby then get pregnant, that's the way it always works, lol. I love you!

carrin said...

Only one s in desert, oops

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...