Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween and Other Randoms

 Gary and I have been doing really well lately. Nothing big and special, but we're just well and happy.

 We were able to do a little bit of Halloween celebrating too. Some friends of ours invited us to their Halloween zombie bash, so Gary and I decided to be a part of it Friday night. We were dressed as survivors from the video game Left 4 Dead. Gary dressed as Francis while I dressed as Zoey. We didn't have all the apparel of course since we decided on our costumes the night before, but still. It worked well enough. Anyway, there were a lot of people there and we had a blast. We played some games, sat around and chatted, and I ate lots of sweets. I already made a decision earlier I get to eat what I want when I attend a party. I had a 10-mile run scheduled for the next day anyway, so I enjoyed myself.

There were so many beautiful and spooky decorations! I definitely could tell this family loves Halloween. I got to know a few people in our ward better too with all the socializing. It was definitely worth going to. So, here are some pictures of the night.

Pill bottle and first aid strapped to me (though you can't see it). I love how I'm posing all cool and stuff (our actual 1911 gun) and there's a sweet family message and picture in the background. 

Awesome husband with our actual shotgun

 Obviously we didn't bring our real guns- so we went with Nerf instead. I mean, who doesn't love Nerf??

Mmm, brains
How can you NOT eat that stuff??
Dead fish screensaver on television

How cool is that?

We're cool like that
Now a bit less serious
The after party. Figures, right? Haha. That's Gary with Luke, the host. Smashing it up with Super Smash Brothers.

 We got back semi-late, stayed up by ourselves for a bit, then finally crashed. As for my run the next morning? I guess you can say eating chocolate the night before isn't exactly the best fuel, but you can read about my workout stuff in my health blog :) .

Saturday, after my run and grocery shopping, Gary and I got to work on our weekly deep cleaning. We missed a couple of weeks due to being out of town and such, but we were prepared for this day. It took 3 hours! We cleaned out all of our filing cabinets, went through all of our documents, and even went through all of our electronic cables and such. Let's just say we put our shredder to good use (minus the electronic equipment, of course). We were drained by the time we were done, but Gary wanted to take me out to dinner. So we walked over to our Olive Garden and had a nice filling dinner. It was nice not being able to cook. I was pretty wiped from the distant run earlier plus the shopping. Since we had fuel back in our systems after dinner, we strolled around our neighborhood shopping center a bit and made plans on how to decorate and reorganize our home now that we're getting rid of so much crap. Here's the result of that cleaning (and yes, a couple of the bags are just shredded paper!). 

 So, it's getting better and cleaner around here. Plus, our weather has been beautiful. So beautiful that Gary and I also took a stroll around Bridgeport. 

 Okay, that's it for now! Time to get ready for a nice day at church. Later, folks!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Your costumes turned out so awesome! It looks like a really fun party, I love it when people get so into a holiday and go all out with the decorations. It really gets you in the festive mood! So glad that you and Gary are doing so well!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...