Sunday, July 26, 2015

Getting Settled In

Though they were two weeks late, the moving company finally arrived with our stuff!

   While it was nice for awhile being without many of our items, it was definitely nice to have it all back again! We will certainly not be using that company again! Not only were they late (we had to call them repeatedly for days when they did not arrive on time, only for them to tell us they were going to be 2 weeks late). Even worse, we noticed a lot of our boxes were mislabeled, meaning somebody had gone through them. Nothing was missing as far as we know, though we still have several unpacked boxes stored away.  Anyway, that part is done!

   The good news though, is we LOVE our new city! We've been on so many fun adventures and just getting to know the area. We also learned Texans are way friendly! Been here a little over a month, and at least 5 different neighbors have come to say hi to us. Our new ward is great and friendly as well. I have to say I definitely feel at home here.

    One of my favorite things about Round Rock/Austin is the greenery. It's SO GREEN here! Just fields of green. There are so many parks, lakes, and outdoorsy things too, which is wonderful. Alex and I have been to 3-4 different parks, but there are many other areas I still want to visit.

    Austin itself is really nice too. The city and skyline is just beautiful. The lakes are gorgeous, and you'll just see people out riding their bikes, running, and walking. It's also considered the live music capital of the world- which we've clearly seen. Concerts and live music in the parks is pretty much nightly, there's live music at many restaurants we go out to, and we've been enjoying it all too. Gary and I had our first date night in downtown on 6th street at an Irish pub/restaurant, where we saw Celtic music as well as folk music. We also met some friends while there. Definitely a blast!
One of our favorite restaurants we discovered, County Line on the Lake 
We went to the Dell Diamond during 4th of July for the baseball game and firework show

Mayfield Park in Austin- full of peacocks! Alex was enjoying going up to them until one of them did a call to another bird-and he was done. FYI- peacocks are LOUD!

Checking out the ponds

His bravery before that thing brought him to tears

Swimming in our pool! 

Playing at an inflatable play place

Live Celtic music!

Brushy Creek Park

Splash pad fun! We have a lot of these around here. 


     Anyway, as you can tell, we've been having a good time here! I also think we're finally getting used to the humidity. The first day we arrived here, we were outside with our luggage trying to find our specific place- and I was certain I was going to die. I remember visiting family back east in Georgia and wondering how people could live in humidity- yet here we are! Luckily Austin isn't as bad as the cities on the Gulf, but it still can get pretty humid.

   Okay, that's the update for now. More later!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...