Friday, August 15, 2014

Blessing Day!

 Our sweet little angel was blessed on August 3rd, 2014. It was so wonderful! And he did a great job! He was able to meet his other grandma (Gary's mom), and there was a lot of family who came to participate/visit. Such a sweet little dude!

  Alex is now 11 weeks old! At his 2 month checkup, he was 11.4 lbs and everything came back absolutely perfect! The doctor was impressed with his strength, growth, and motor skills. He can now roll his legs up and roll over onto his sides. He goes back and forth and laughs- it's sooo cute!

He's still sleeping awesome, though he had a phase where it was quite different! It got to the point where I became so sleep deprived and sick I had to call my mommy to come help out. I would wake up and wonder if I was still in a dream or not. He wasn't sleeping much at night or during the day- but that seems to be over for now! Lately he's been pretty good at napping, though he has his days where he'd rather stay awake (currently he's giggling to himself on the bed). He's such a social little guy who just loves to laugh and smile. He also seems to watch our mouths a lot and laugh at silly faces.

Alex is also, though not quite coordinated yet, able to reach out and attempt to grab toys in front of him. He's just getting smarter everyday and growing so fast! Today he found his feet and toes!

Anyway, here are some pictures!



He's not one for swaddling anymore, but he does great in footie pajamas or "sleep sacks".

He sleeps sooo well in these!

Handsome boy in his blessing outfit!

He just keeps growing!!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...