Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

 Yesterday was Mother's Day, and I just want to talk about how awesome my mom is! Not only did she give birth to four children of her own, she took in and adopted three other children- making us a rather large family. I honestly don't know how she did it. We were crazy. Seriously. We fought all the time, caused so much drama, always had to go to Urgent Care because we were usually a little too adventurous (I've only broken...5? 6 bones?), and sure knew how to make a house messy fast. 

Regardless, the house was always clean. The dishes were always done, the laundry folded, the floors vacuumed, the bathrooms cleaned. the furniture dusted- you name it. Sure, we all had to do chores and help out, but we probably weren't very good at it. It was mostly my mom who did it all. Talk about a super mom! I was terrible with putting away my folded clothes and making my bed. It's funny though because now I can't imagine living in an unclean home. The first chore I do after waking up? Make the bed. Hah. It's amazing how much I've learned how to keep a clean home thanks to my mom. It really does make a difference! But the best thing about it is she knew how to prioritize. She always put our needs first and spent time with us. She knew how to break down the chores and cleaning so she could spend quality time with us. It's pretty awesome how she managed to do all of that. I'm hoping I'll be able to pull it off once my little guy arrives. I'm sure she'll be getting phone calls.  

My mom also made sure we went to church every week, no matter how crazy the home might have been that morning. We all got up and went to church- a completely natural routine. It didn't matter if she was stressed or not feeling well- she knew how important it was to take us, so she did. She also made sure I got up at the butt crack of dawn every morning in high school to attend seminary. If I had trouble waking up, she'd completely pull off my blankets and turn on all the lights to send me the message. I knew I couldn't win and stay in bed. However, the moment seminary graduation took place, I was so grateful I stuck it out and went. Now as an adult, it really made a difference once I began going to college and working jobs- waking up early was just natural. 

I know I was a terror to deal with. I really was a brat. I had a bad attitude, was a professional back-talker, and always had something to say. It drove my mom nuts. She often would tell me, "I can't wait until you have your own daughters to deal with!" Which makes me nervous about having daughters. As a teenager, I flat out told her I didn't believe in God and at one point lost activity in the church after I turned 18. However, she continued to love me and set an example for me. She never gave up on me. Once I had my little phase, I became completely active again because life was just so much better within the church. Living a righteous life brings much more joy compared to living a worldly life. It really, really does. 

The best thing she taught me was the value and importance of attending the temple. My parents have been married and sealed for almost (I apologize, Mom, if I got this wrong) 32 years. I never once heard them fighting, though I'm sure like any marriage they had their disagreements. They worked together as a team all the time and still love each other very much. It gave me the desire to one day attend the temple on my own and become sealed to my own husband. Which I did! It was really the greatest blessing of all. I remember how she stood beside me my first time through the temple and the feeling of peace I felt once we entered the Celestial room. 

Anyway, I love you, Mom! You are the best!

 I would've posted other old pictures, but our photo albums are still in storage until we buy a new bookshelf.

 Although I'm not entirely a mommy yet, I still partially celebrated Mother's Day. Come on, the kid is due next week. Close enough, right? Our ward handed out Dove chocolate bars to the women and after church, we all met in the cultural hall for cake and socializing. It was nice. Sacrament was also very peaceful as all the men (yes, all), stood up at the front and sang to all the women. It was a beautiful piece of music, too. I sure love my man! And I can't wait until my other little man is born. 

Happy Mother's Day! 

1 comment:

Carla said...

I think your mom must not be checking blogs frequently... I'm excited for Mr. Alex!!!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...