Monday, October 5, 2009

Exciting Days

 You know, the ones leading up to Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then, of course, the best of all: Christmas. This whole trail of weeks is the best. My excitement for the Holiday Season only begins to kick in when the weather cools off dramatically. And since we had heatwaves earlier, it took awhile. But now with this weather and these temperatures, I'm finally excited!

 I think my big boost of joy was when Gary and I went to the DeMasters home after the Saturday session of Conference. Josh and Meg went to a Halloween store and bought awesome decorations for their place. It looks really neat...pumpkins, ghosts, glow in the dark slime (which is actually cotton material, of course), etc. So, it encouraged me and got me excited.We had a delicious dinner (hamburgers with green chili sauce), then all sat around and played Clue. It was quite confusing at first, because we had accidentally left one of the Clue cards in the box and forgot to hand it out. But once we realized it, we were able to figure out the puzzle rather quickly. Megan, though, beat us to it and won. We had fun! Well, minus the part where some of the meal gave some of us upset stomachs...mostly the men. I think, however, it wasn't the chile might have been the salad. Oh, well.

 Anywho, after I spent some time doing my Monday cleaning (from the messy-husband weekend), I did some shopping .I only wanted to get a few decorations, so I went to the Dollar Tree to get! So here are some pics:

This guy is supposed to be in dirt or grass or something, but we bought him last year. He goes on the wall.

Our little sign:

Another little dude in our living room:

And then, of course, the kitchen. Yes, that's totally an RIP thing next to the Proclamation to the World:

 He's glow-in-the-dark. And yes, I made him hold the flowers on the wall (accident at first, lol)

And this wonderful thing hanging in the hallway

 Nothing too fancy, just a few touches.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Later!


carrin said...

cute!!! I love the cooler weather too!

Megan said...

Upset stomachs.... Riiiiiiiight...
What did Josh call them? Solar flares??? HAHAHAHA All I know was that the effect was pretty darn potent. Poor boys. (And us, who had to listen to their bittersweet bathroom symphonies...) :)

And your decorations are SO CUTE!!! Love them! Between the cute decor and the cool weather, you can't help but be in a good mood and excited for all the holidays coming up!

GordonandChrissy said...

Cute decorations! Your house looks so festive and homey. :)

Hey - and I was reading in an earlier post that you like coming to walk around the lake. Spencer and I walk over there just about every day. I'll have to give you a call when we go over if you're interested, I always love company on my walks. (He's great company, but you know, it's nice to have company that can talk back to me...hehe)

The Pollocks said...

Chrissy! We totally should. I haven't been in a couple of weeks, since I've been doing Wii Fit here at home, but we'll have to walk together sometime!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...