Monday, May 30, 2011

Weekend and Future Parties

 Gary and I had an interesting/fun weekend. If you see my last blog, it explains why I was so sick, but a medical update is included that may solve many issues.

Friday, we went out a few places and enjoyed the area. We love Valencia and Santa Clarita and how beautiful it is. We went out to eat at Telly's and I enjoyed a tuna salad while Gary feasted on a Philly cheesesteak sandwich. It has an old-fashioned diner feel. The shopping/diner area was in Canyon Country and it's on a hill which shows a beautiful view of the valley. We sat up there for awhile and chatted before heading out.

The picture doesn't do it justice, but it will do. It's from my cell. Once again, I have had no luck finding my camera charger. Bummer.

We then headed to Game Dude where Gary was able to get himself some video game stuff.

We spent most of Saturday indoor since I was pretty sick and unable to do much. Later that afternoon, we met with a group of friends at the park by our complex and enjoyed a tasty picnic. It was thrown by the Meraz's who are leaving us soon for Utah.

After a nice chat,we headed to the pool area and dipped our feet in the hot tub, chatting more. It was nice.

We had a lazy Sunday, and today will probably be lazy as well since we both have the day off. I might go outdoors a bit and enjoy the summer.

Speaking of, I wanted to mention something. Gary's birthday will be the beginning of July, and I was thinking about throwing him a birthday BBQ at our club house. I'm not sure how many people would be able to make it, so I would definitely get a count first. It would be a BBQ/pool party. We also have a theater in our complex for movies too, so we'd probably rent it out for the afternoon/evening. If you're interested, let me know!

Just let us know what you think!

Anyway, time to enjoy the rest of my day off. Bye!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back to Internet World

 Hey, y'all. I know I disappeared from blog and internet world for awhile, but I'm back for a little bit.

 Last week, Sunday morning, Gary flew out to Houston, Texas where he spent the entire week for training in Cognos, a business intelligence program which will greatly help his company. They chose him to be the first person in the company to learn this because they felt he'd be the best teacher to teach others. I am so proud of him! The company paid for the entire trip, including $45 each day for meals.

 It was interesting having a whole week to myself, but I did enjoy it. Of course I missed my husband, but it's nice every now and then to have time to myself. Gary enjoyed his week as well with all the training and seeing around Texas. He got to experience real Texas BBQ and said everyone there is so friendly and kind. Now he wants to move there. We'll see. I like Texas too, but we still have a couple of years to see where we're going.

 Monday, I decided to head to Bakersfield to spend some time with my family. I surprised my mom by showing up to her classroom at school and helped her with the computers and in the library. I stayed for dinner that evening and had to head out that night since I had work the next day. I only worked 16 hours last week, so I had a lot of time to myself. I planned on going to the beach but never made my way over there. Now I kind of wish I would have gone there since we're less than an hour away. Ah, well, maybe this week we'll hit the beach. I got to catch up my book reading though, and that was always nice.

 Gary arrived home yesterday evening, after I went to a really cute baby shower. The whole theme was Dr. Seuss and it was just adorable with delicious food.

That was just one of the many cute tables.

After Gary came home, we got ready and went to another party thrown by a co-worker of his. It was a 70's-80's spring theme and it was a lot of fun. I really need to find this camera charger of mine. Unfortunately Gary and I couldn't find much to wear for the theme, but nobody cared. There were a lot of people there so it's all good. We stayed for a couple of hours until jet lag hit Gary and he was ready to sleep-which he did soundly.

Anyway, all is well at the Pollock house. My weight seems to be dropping even more so. About 10 lbs down from 2 weeks ago and still falling. I don't know if it's all the kelp and vitamin supplements or the fact I haven't been eating much (or both), but something's working. I'm not starving myself, either. I track everything I do and eat and keep it under a certain amount of calories each day and it seems to be working. I dropped 3 pant sizes and realized my pants are getting a little loose again. It's incredible. 20 more pounds down and I'll fit back into my wedding dress again. Looking forward to it!

Okay, back to enjoying the rest of this day with my husband. Bye!

PS- updated my lady blog

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I love my life!

First of all, I want to talk about how blessed I am to have the mother I have and to wish her and happy mother's day. She is awesome! I gave her a hard time in the past with my teenage and younger mood swings and often said mean things, but I have always loved her. She is the best mother anyone could ask for. Her patience is incredible and I love the example she left me so I knew one day I wanted to become sealed in the temple with my husband and I know I want to raise my children in the gospel because of what a great childhood I had. She was always there to tend to my problems, clean up my many wounds from bike accidents to broken bones, and clean up my room after I'd leave it messy for so long. I used to tease her about her obsessiveness with a clean house, but realized when I moved out how wonderful it feels to have a clean home. I'm so blessed she taught me the many things I know today in this world and all the many life lessons I am excited to share with my future children. Thanks, Mom!

Gary and I had a pretty good weekend. Since I had it off, we got to spend a great deal of time together, which is always marvelous. Saturday morning, we headed to the flea market where we purchased some fresh peanuts and almonds, and enjoyed the cool breezy weather. We then headed to the Newhall area to Brave New World Comics to check out DnD stuff. Little did we know it was free comic book day where they were handing out a selection of comic books-for free! Gary and I aren't big on comic books so we passed up the opportunity, but the place seemed like a great deal of fun for kids. Darth Vader and storm troopers were roaming the inside and outside of the store (since it was an indoor/outdoor event), there was a food truck, games, and many other cool things. The staff wore shirts that read "Geek" and it seemed like the perfect place to be for any superhero fanatic on a Saturday.

After that, we headed home and have spent the rest of the weekend doing absolutely nothing but relaxing and playing games (and church of course).

I'm looking forward to these next couple of days since I'm off and soaking up some sun. May even hit the beach :)

Anyway, that's it for now. Since I'm on a healthy streak, I updated my cooking blog. It's on a new address and I added 4 new recipes. Check it out!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shopping and Sickies

     The sickies have been going around the Pollock household. I blame Primary and all the little kids and germs and such. Or, I could've just caught it somewhere else. I was a little saddened too since I take lots of vitamins everyday so I didn't expect it to hit and still continue to linger. Hey, you can't stop everything.

    Anyway, yesterday morning around 4am, in a half-asleep daze, I called my work and told them I wasn't coming in. I barely remember the conversation and when I woke up later (like an hour later), I asked myself, "Did I just do that?". Haha, I was pretty out of it. Then I fell back to sleep. So I spent a lot of yesterday doing absolutely nothing but maybe play a few games and rest. Gary was kind of dragging around too but did go to work. However, he called out this morning.

  I feel a little better today, but not fully. I had a horrible night last night though. I remember at one point looking at the clock and thinking it was an amount of money instead of the time. For example, when I saw it was 2:50am I thought it was $2.50 and I was really confused on why money was on the wall. I realized after tossing and turning a bit longer it was actually the time. Lol. I kept switching sides of the bed but eventually fell back to sleep. Oh, silly sick Emilee.

 I work tonight but I'll just stick it out since it's only 4 hours and I have the day off tomorrow. Then I work 4 hours Friday and have the weekend off (yay!). My boss has been very good about rotating people in pet care when it comes to weekends off. This weekend is mine.

     Onto the shopping part. I bought some new shoes on Amazon since my other ones were just falling apart. They were arch support shoes, but when they started to give in, they were anything but and my feet were aching after work. That, and because I put my shoes on improperly, the back started digging into the back of my heels. I had no idea I caused that by putting my shoes on wrong. Gladly my husband reminded me, so I'll be nicer to my new shoes. They're from Saucony which are amazing shoes with the best support for not only high-arched feet, but plantar faciitis. Since our mail person is way lazy though, I had to wait longer to get them. She has a habit of leaving those "sorry we missed you" notices in our mailbox without walking the short distance to our front door and knocking, making us wait a day or more (depending on the day). Frustrating. I file a complaint every time it happens too, and they play dumb. Anyway, I picked up my shoes this morning, stopped by the bank to deposit money, and headed to Kohl's since I had a $10 gift card. I love Kohl's clearance! They're having a major clearance on jeans. I bought 2 pairs of $60 jeans for $10 each. Since they're adding in all the new Spring stuff, everything else is 50-85% off, including pants. So, in the end, I saved $111 by buying everything clearance.

   A couple of weeks ago I mentioned dropping 2 pant sizes. So, I decided to try one more pant size down and...they fit! Not just that specific brand or pair either. I grabbed more of that smaller size and they all fit nicely. Yeah! So 3 pant sizes I have dropped. I am excited. I'm not sure what it is (I have been adding more cardio to my days and exercising), but I think it may also be the kelp I've been taking. Since taking kelp for my thyroid, the weight has been melting off. Yippie! But I also take a multivitamin, extra vitamin D3, super B complex, and vitex chasteberry  (which has been "regulating" me). So who knows!

   Okay, time to take care of a sick husband, make some lunch and rest before work tonight. Bye!

Growing Up

  So...time slows down, when? It has to sometime, right?   I missed posting in the month of May, where two pretty big days took place!  ...